Building Healthy Individuals and Communities
OBESITY Public parks and recreation facilities offer low cost opportunities for citizens of every age, ability, and income level to increase their level of physical activity, improve nutrition, and better connect with the natural environment, thereby preventing chronic and costly health problems. MPRA encourages the adoption of statute revisions that would allow local parks and recreation departments to increase recreational opportunities for its citizens, regardless of income level. “52% of people who visit park/recreation facilities do so to exercise.”
SMOKING MPRA has endorsed initiatives to create smoke-free environments for all citizens and support the increase of tobacco tax, currently the lowest in the nation, which would encourage smoking cessation. Additionally, we support the use of the increased tax revenue to be used for programs that promote healthy and active lifestyles.
ALCOHOL AND DRUG ABUSE Alcohol and drug use is widespread and ranks as one of the nation’s most serious health problems. The problem should be addressed at the individual, community, state, and national levels, working together to lessen the demand for alcohol and other drugs. MPRA stands ready to cooperate fully to assist our communities to promote a drug-free society.
FUNDING The state should take the lead in developing policies, practices, and funding infrastructure to promote physical activity and healthy lifestyles that best utilize parks and recreation facilities that currently exist. We recommend support for making parks and recreation agencies eligible for all state programs targeting youth and adults for healthy physical activities, development of life skills, environmental education, and crime prevention/intervention programs.
FUNDING INITIATIVES MPRA supports a comprehensive bonding package that provides increased funding for Missouri state parks and trails, along with its higher education institutions. Parks and trails provide an enriched quality of life for all Missourians regardless of geography or socioeconomic status. Modernized, state-of-the-art facilities prepare Missouri students for real world experiences and allow for a seamless transition into the workplace. Support for such initiatives will enhance the lives of all Missouri citizens. MPRA encourages elected officials to consider the specific differences between capital expenditures and maintenance when considering bonding decisions.